Russian Diamond Sanctions – 24 Hour Diamond News: Latest Diamond Industry Headlines & Education Learn About Diamonds with 24/7 Diamond News Updates Tue, 27 Feb 2024 00:47:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Russian Diamond Sanctions – 24 Hour Diamond News: Latest Diamond Industry Headlines & Education 32 32 92253527 Warning: Avoid Penalties Under Russian Diamond Sanctions – Vital Information Mon, 26 Feb 2024 23:27:10 +0000 URGENT: Understand New Russian Diamond Sanctions Before They Impact Your Business

Don’t get caught off guard. Register for the Rapaport Emergency Webinar this Thursday, Feb 29th: Below #diamondsanctions #russiasanctions #compliance

Register the Rapaport Emergency Russian Diamond Sanctions: Webinar here

Support the Rapaport US Diamond Protocol here

Summary of the Situation: Russian Diamond Sanctions

  • New sanctions: Starting March 1, 2024, it will be illegal to import Russian-origin diamonds and diamond jewelry into the US, even if processed outside Russia. US companies cannot trade in such diamonds globally.
  • Lack of guidelines: Currently, the US government has not issued clear guidelines on how these new rules will be implemented, leading to confusion and potential harm to the diamond trade.

Industry Concerns: Russian Diamond Sanctions

  • Unclear regulations: The lack of clear regulations creates uncertainty for businesses, particularly regarding re-importing previously exported diamonds.
  • Negative impact on trade: You are concerned that the new rules, without proper implementation, could unnecessarily hinder legitimate diamond trade activities.
  • Focus on free trade: You prioritize maintaining free trade within the US diamond market, including estate jewelry and recycled diamonds.

What Actions can you take: Russian Diamond Sanctions

  • Working together: You emphasize the importance of collaboration between industry and government to develop effective regulations that meet the intended goals.
  • Rapaport US Diamond Protocol: You will submit a proposal to the US government, advocating for:
    • Declarative statements on diamond origin during import.
    • Conditional use of blockchain technology for traceability if required by the government.
    • Excluding estate and recycled diamonds from additional restrictions.

What You Can Do: Russian Diamond Sanctions

  • Stay informed: Monitor further developments from the US government regarding the implementation of these new regulations.
  • Participate in the process: Engage in constructive dialogue with the government and relevant industry organizations to ensure that the regulations are clear, enforceable, and minimize adverse impacts on legitimate trade.
  • Seek legal advice: Consult with legal professionals familiar with international trade and sanctions to understand how these regulations might impact your specific business activities.

Resources for Additional Information: Russian Diamond Sanctions

Here are some resources where you can find more information about the new US sanctions on Russian diamonds:

Russian Diamond

Can you re-import diamonds: Russian Diamond Sanctions

Unfortunately, the lack of clear guidelines currently makes it difficult to definitively answer this question about re-importing diamonds previously exported from the US. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution and seek guidance from the following resource:

  • US Customs and Border Protection (CBP): Contact CBP directly to inquire about the specific requirements and procedures for re-importing diamonds under the new sanctions. They have a trade portal and a helpline available for inquiries:

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Russian Diamond Sanctions Take Effect THIS WEEK – Are You Prepared?
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