Comments on: Kimberley process certification 7 Fundamentals Learn About Diamonds with 24/7 Diamond News Updates Wed, 19 Jul 2023 03:49:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Fri, 09 Jun 2023 08:47:15 +0000 KIMBERLEY PROCESS COMMUNIQUE’ FOR THE HYBRID PLENARY MEETING

1. The Eighteenth Kimberley Process (KP) Plenary Meeting was convened under the
Chairmanship of the Republic of Botswana from the 1-4 November 2022, in a hybrid
format. The in-person meetings were held in Gaborone, Botswana.
2. With its primary objective being the prevention of the flow of conflict diamonds,
while helping to protect legitimate trade in rough diamonds, the KP remains till this
day a unique tripartite initiative that brings together stakeholders in Government,
the industry and civil society coalition in its quest to prevent conflict diamonds from
entering the diamond trade.
3. The Kimberley Process has proven to be an effective multilateral tool for conflict
prevention by stemming the flow of conflict diamonds. It has had valuable
developmental impact in improving the lives of people in some diamond mining
communities and contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable
Development Goals as espoused in Agenda 2030.
4. The 2022 Plenary saw the participation of the Kimberley Process tripartite,
represented by governments, industry and civil society. For the 2022 Plenary held
in Gaborone, 52 Participants, 2 Observers, and 2 Independent Observers registered
and attended the meeting. The Plenary appreciated the efforts of the Republic of
Botswana in promoting the continuation of work in a hybrid format as it allowed
flexibility, inclusiveness, transparency for Participants and Observers who could not
5. Participants and Observers thanked the Republic of Botswana for its leadership in
2022 and welcomed the Republic of Zimbabwe as incoming KP Chair for 2023.
